Python Virtual Environment
Python virtual environment is a self-contained directory tree that includes a Python installation and number of additional packages.
The main purpose of Python virtual environments is to create an isolated environment for different Python projects. This way you can install a specific version of a module on a per project basis without worrying that it will affect your other Python projects.
Install the package that provides the venv module
sudo apt install python3-venv
Switch to the directory where you want to create your virtual environment and execute the following command that will create a virual environment called my_project_venv that will contain a copy of the Python binary, the pip package manager, the standard Python library and other packets:
python3 -m venv my_project_venv
To start using this environment, run the activate script:
source my_project_venv/bin/activate
Once you are done with your work to deactivate the environment, simply type deactivate and you will return to your normal shell.
Steps for reinstalling all dependencies into another environment:
Create a requirements.txt with all dependencies using the following command:
pip freeze > requirements.txt
Copy this file to the other machine and install all dependencies using the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Conda Python Environment
Create the environment:
conda create --name my_project_venv python=3.6
Activate the environment:
activate my_project_venv
Nikola Andrić